We're coming towards the end of our series on how to read the Bible. This week we're looking at some simple rules when it comes to reading the Bible and in our final week were looking at some useful tools that will help with reading the Bible. In the final week on useful tools, I intend to simply wave some useful tools in front of our people that will help them read the Bible so that they
don't have to read it cold. And I want to hear from them about some useful tools they've found useful as they've read their Bibles.
I limited myself to looking at local stores and libraries and the books/tools have to be easy to read. In search of some easy accessable tools that people can get their hands on I went our local Christian bookstore and our local library. At the local bookstore I found Fee and Stuart's
How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth. This is a classic. I also found plenty of NT Wright's .... e.g.
(Paul/Mark/Luke) For Everyone series. These are great! I also bought the IVP's
New Bible Dictionary and
The New Bible Commentary. I thought these would be good but they're a bit too scholarly for most Christians so I won't be recommending them. I also ordered
The Learning Bible through our Christian bookstore after
Real Live Preacher's recommendation.
Then I visited our local library (not holding out too high of hopes). To my surprise the library has some great simple tools available. They have a copy of Eugene Peterson's Eat This Book! I'm loving that! They also had some of the Cambridge Companion series (companion to postmodern theology - I'm impressed) but they're not an easy read for most Christians. I gout out The Idiot's Guide to the Bible; The Bible Book; and the crowing find from the library The Bible Guide. The Bible Guide is a very accessable, readable book that combine good scholarship with a deep devotion - I love it and am going to get my own copy as it's so good and the author's theology seems close to mine. I'm going to try and have a look for The Bible for Dummies, I hear that it's also pretty good.
Does anyone have any simple, readable, accessable tools they'd recommend?
Update: Stephen G has recommended a more humourous help for Bible reading:
Richard Briggs, Be an Expert in 137 Minutes in Interpreting the Bible (Bletchley: Scripture Union, 1998). Have a read of the comments to follow the hermeneutical spiral!
Jason Boyett, Pocket Guide to the Bible. The video clip is well worth watching - v. funny