New look
Thought the old design was ugly so changed it again. Sorry if you don't like blue! To begin with, regulars might find that the old design still displays when following links you had gone to before the update. Just click refresh to fix it.
I have just read a brilliant "must read" post by Julie R. Neidlinger on why she walked out of a church she attended as she seeks a new church in a new area (hat tip to Stu). It is brilliant! One part of it reminded me of a conversation we had at a recent Family Forum at our church about how we can be hospitable to the many new people coming to our church. Do we organise or roster someone(s) to "be nice to the new people" (as if being nice to new people is a ministry!) and plug them into some group, or do we just actually try being Christians and be welcoming to new people like we would a visitor who came to our house? (We went for the latter and not the former)