Not so 'Free' Will...?
Okay, so the onther night at youth group, BAndy, Viv, Buzz and some other people were talking about free will and predestination. The same thing that they happened to be talking about, has been bugging me for months. When we finished the conversation, I was more confused than before! So, what better place to get some answers?!
My question is: God has given us all free will, right? We can choose to follow Him or not, what to wear each day, where we go etc. But, He has also mapped out our life for us. He knows what we are going to say and do before we even think about doing it. So, if God knows what we are going to choose, does free will really exsist?? I mean, how can we have to free choice to do something if God already knows what we are going to choose. Like, whats going on here, God??!!!
I decided to put it down to the fact that God has such a big understanding of things that we cant even imagine, so its not in our 'mind capacity' (or whatever!) to be able to understand it all. BAndy reckons I'm just trying to find a way to bail out of figuring out the answer!
So, what do ya'll think?? BAndy might be able to explain a little better what I mean....?!