We've begun a series at Napier Baptist on "Making God's Kingdom Visible" because I believe that is the call to the church. This week the sermon text is Lk. 4:16-30. This text has probably impacted me more than any other when it comes to understanding something of the mission of Jesus. I believe this passage (epecially the quote from Isaiah) is the key to understanding Luke's gospel (as well as who Jesus is and what was his message in the gospel of Luke). I came across this prayer in my reading this week - it seems to hard and unrealistic for me to pray. What do you reckon...?
Prayer for the Gift of Poverty:
Lord Jesus, I ask you for a new fullness of the charism [gift] of poverty. I ask you to reveal to me my inordinate attachments, my holding on to things or to persons, my 'richness' that keeps me from saying a more complete yes to you.
I surrender to you my excessive search for material comforts, and whatever material goods I have that I do not really need to serve you.
I surrender to you my excessive need for attention, for acclaim and applause. I surrender my selfish ambition, my search for honours, my vain glory and my pride.
I surrender to you my possesiveness of those whom I love. Teach me to love freely, leaving others free, teach me to love with an open hand. Teach me to love more and better.
Give me the interior poverty that depends on you and not on the world's acceptance. Teach me to enter by the narrow gate that leads to life. You are that gate, Lord, let me follow you, taking up my cross.
For you alone, Lord, are my portion. I have no inheritance, for you are my inheritance; I want no possessions, for you are my possession (Ez. 44:28).
- Robert Faricy in John Fuellenbach, Proclaiming His Kingdom: Meditations for Personal Recollection (Manila: Logos Publications, 1994).