George Wieland's Visit
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George Wieland was my NT lecturer at Carey. He started there around the same time as I began my studies. George had a massive impact on my life as a Christian and a pastor. I majored in NT and Systematic Theology and so I had George as a lecturer many times. I can remember being new to teriary study (I had been a mechanic and my highest qualification was 6th form certificate that I only scraped through on) and talking with George about my insecurities associated with study and academia. George is one of the best listener I have ever met and he graciously listened to me and encouraged me. I've just completed a BTh (Hons) degree and managed to get 1st class honours and now I can look back to those many years ago sitting in George's office and see how much his gracious encouragement impacted me. George is among those people I turn to when I want someone I trust to speak into my life on significant issues.
To go with all that, George is an amazing NT lecturer, scholar and a brilliant preacher. So it was a thrill when I asked George to come and spend a weekend at Napier Baptist that he agreed. George is with us on Saturday 19th April and Sunday 20th April. He's going to lead a weekend on the Missional Church, drawing on huge amount of research he's done on the Pastoral Epistles (1 & 2nd Timothy & Titus). The weekend's title is:
Mission Insights from Titus: Telling and Living the Good News.
Saturday 19th April 3pm – 5pm:
Telling the Good News - George will set the scene of mission in the challenging context of the island of Crete in New Testament times. He will then look at how the first generation of Christian missionaries found ways of connecting with the beliefs and aspirations of the people they were trying to reach.
Sunday 20th April 9am and 10:30am:
Living the Good News - George will show how Paul expected the grace-trained lives of those who had become believers to impact their families and communities.
Telling the Good News - George will set the scene of mission in the challenging context of the island of Crete in New Testament times. He will then look at how the first generation of Christian missionaries found ways of connecting with the beliefs and aspirations of the people they were trying to reach.
Sunday 20th April 9am and 10:30am:
Living the Good News - George will show how Paul expected the grace-trained lives of those who had become believers to impact their families and communities.
George is Scottish and holds a PhD in New Testament from University of Aberdeen on the topic of "The Significance of Salvation in the Pastoral Epistles" and published a book in 2006 through Paternoster Press on The Significance of Salvation: A Study of Salvation Language in the Letters to Timothy and Titus. Before lecturing at Carey Baptist College George spent many years in Baptist ministry in the UK and in cross cultural mission in Brazil. George recently lead a cross cultural mission trip to India and is on the Tranzsend (NZ Baptist) Mission Council.
If you're in the Hawkes Bay area, please feel free to come and join us (it doesn't cost anything).