Movember at NBC
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Okay, so a few of us at NBC grew mos for Movember to raise money for our Relay for Life team. We are looking for the most stylish mo - not necessarily the bushiest but the most stylish. So, I'm wanting readers of this blog to tell me which mo they think is the most stylish. Write the number of the mo you think is the best into comments and feel free to suggest a name - e.g. I've called 5, 6, 12 "The Chopper" 13 "The Raurimu Spiral" 3 "The Coffee Stain":

10:20 AM
13 for shizzle!
5:34 PM
I admit, I'm biased... but the Matthew-Luke-and-Marx sisters just have that je ne sais quoi....
Do you realise the sacrifices made, the hormone treatments required to reach that state of feminine glory??? Next up, of course, the Raurimu spiral.
6:35 PM
Caleb's one isn't up here - he took one of his own which is now on the wall. His one is a bit too risque to put up here anyway :P
7:01 PM
Micah Little has a cool one too - will ask her mum if I can share it :-)
5:22 PM
Wow - there are some pretty pathetic excuses of mo's, lots of 'droopy draws', a few Walruses and that magnificent No.13! Great fun was had by all and for a good cause too. Well done team!
10:14 PM
and do you need sponsors to go have a shave??
8:50 AM
Hi Maggi, we've kept the fundraising in-house simply because I didn't think of seeking it online :) It didn't take sponsorship for some of us, especially those with flimsy attempts like mine (see number 3!), to go home and shave it off!Movember ended at the end of the Sunday service, so I basically preached that day with a razor and shaving cream in my pocket...