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Andehe made the comment that so often our faith is one of being flipped upside down, changing and then integrating new dimensions. When I think of my own faith I'm very aware of how flighty it can be - the process of deconstructing and reconstructing can be very hard. However, I hope that this process is found my desire (through the Spirit) to be rooted in Christ - the truly faithful human who takes my flighty, rocky faith and presents it perfect before the Father. I was given this quote last week from a friend (I think it's from James Torrance): "Prayer and worship are not primarily hard tasks that God sets us; they are gifts that through his Son and in his Spirit he shares with us." I think ultimately this is also true of faith - it is God's gift to us that comes by the Spirit through his Son. Faith is about particiapting in the gift that God shares with us - life in Christ. In the Spirit our flighty, rocky faith is lifted up and presented as holy before the Father through the perfect eternal human faithfulness of Jesus Christ our mediator. Faith then isn't all about 'my faith' but the faithfulness of Jesus Christ.


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