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Last year Lynne Taylor reflected on Christian songs that seem to be infatuated with Jesus' death. Songs that have lines about wishing we could see Jesus' face as he died, the pain etc. I guess they're wanting us to see the gravity of his pain and the guilt we should feel for our sin that caused it. Lynne says, "actually I don't think I could bear the pain on seeing his face." We had Brian and Shirley Smith share the weekend with us at our church camp and with Good Friday approaching I was reminded of a picture Brian used to show us in his Christology class of 'The Tortured Jesus' upon the cross. Like Lynne, I'm not sure I want to gaze into his face or see my sin upon that cross! I don't think I can handle it!
4:08 PM
This reminds me of what someone said at Easter Camp...It was about how we as Christians make Jesus out to be this lovely clean, tidy king, but thats not realistclly what Jesus was like.
He said that it annoyed him when people put pictures up at Christmas with A loving, beautiful mother holding her clean and smiling baby, while the father and animals all look at them smiling. Realistically, Mary would have been freaking out and tired (Wasnt she only like 14 anyway?), Jesus was probably crying and Joseph wouldnt know what to think! And seriously - how many cows and sheep can smile anyway?! I cant exactly remember the words he said, but he just talked about how we should love the Jesus that wore rags and had dirt all over him.