I've been staying at the Summer St Manse of Ponsonby Baptist. It's a swanky sort of place, full of style and class. But the tension here has been electric - you could cut it with a knife. I innocently came expecting a nice time with friends but found myself embroiled in the turmoil now known as Gollygate! Accusations flying everywhere. Nick (the prosecution) says of Golly (the defendant) "On Thursday Golly (the dog, so named because he’s black) ate an entire apple cake that Julian baked." Go here to find out more... The fall out of Gollygate has been huge - Nick is refusing to even acknowledge Golly's presence! Now you'd think with a therapist and 2 pastors in the house that Nick and Golly could be shown the way to resolving their their differences. Shake hands, lick each other's faces, sniff each other's butts and get on with it. But no, the tension hovering over Summer St has been like a linguist listening to a George Bush speech! That was until Brian came over for a yoga session. I'd never met Brian but I over the night of yoga and eating pizza I came to love the man - what's not to love about a man who passionately helps you to understand more about Jacques Derrida? (even though he told me I looked 40). Things are different when Brian's in the room - life is good. Brian blew away the dark clouds of Gollygate that surrounded Summer St and now all things have been made new:
Thanks Brian!
7:36 AM
Golly looks like apple cake wouldn't melt in his mouth... are you sure he wasn't set up? He could be taking the rap for a hungry pastor...
8:42 AM
Just when we thought a resolution had come, Lauren has opened up new lines of inquiry... The problem is, says one of the other householders, how do you make Golly look as guilty as he really is? How do you make a muppet look guilty?