Stem Cells  

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I'm doing a 'Bioethics' paper through Carey and need to get Christian responses to stem cell research.

What is 'a Christian' response to the use of human embryos to obtain stem cells for research?

What of the use of adult stem cells?

Are there situations where the deliberate death of an embryo for stem cells is justifiable?

Does the age of the embryo make a difference?

Where should the line be drawn??
Lots of responses please...


  1. Andrew  

    Hi Lauren, the article I was telling you about by Gareth Jones is in the Festschrift from the symposium at Auckland Uni in 2001 on Science and Christianity.

    Gareth Jones, "The Contemporary World of Bioethics: The Demanding Interface Between Science and Christianity." Pages 69-86 in Science and Christianity: Festchrift in Honour of Harold Turner and John Morton being the papers and discussion from a symposium held in Auckland New Zealand April 21 2001. Edited by L.R.B. Mann (Auckland: Univeristy of Auckland Centre for Continuing Education, 2001).

    I will get it to you ASAP.

  2. Stephen G  

    Sheesh, where to start?

    One good place to start in the NZ context would be publications from the NZ Interchurch Bioethics Council. (Ang/Presb/Meth)

    Also, some of the documents from "Toi te Taiao: New Zealand's Bioethics Council" have summaries of religious/spiritual views with respect to bioethics.

    Plus, Lincoln University produced a report a while back on spirituality and biotechnology in NZ which would have some material in it and is available as a PDF from Lincoln's web site.

    "Public understandings of biotechnology in New Zealand : nature, clean green image and spirituality" by Fiona J. Coyle et al. (2003).

  3. Lauren  

    Thanks guys....
    I will look those up.

    Now, how about some real live, real (not textbook) Christian responses. Please.......

  4. Stephen G  

    I'm curious about the bit where you "need to get Christian responses to stem cell research" for the paper. Do the course supervisors want you to get personal responses from people or just survey literature? If the former did they give you any guidelines (e.g. ethical guidelines) for doing that?

  5. Lauren  

    I have loads of books and articles, the books all have US views. I'm interested in Kiwi responses if possible, but of course anything learned this way will be anecdotal rather than scientific. Carey would be happy with a lit review, I'm sure, but that doesn't satisfy my interest.
    The blog responses can be anonymised (is that a word) so I thought people might like to make acomment without feeling too exposed :-)

  6. Lauren  

    I have loads of books and articles, the books all have US views. I'm interested in Kiwi responses if possible, but of course anything learned this way will be anecdotal rather than scientific. Carey would be happy with a lit review, I'm sure, but that doesn't satisfy my interest.
    The blog responses can be anonymised (is that a word) so I thought people might like to make acomment without feeling too exposed :-)

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