A Study on Hell
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Real Live Preacher is doing a study on hell in the New Testament. If you're interested in engaging in a debate about what the NT says (or doesn't say) on hell, or just trying to learn more about what the NT says, here would be a good place to go.
12:01 PM
Saw this a few days ago...ooohh looking forward to his response. This is another really interesting topic. What are your thoughts PAndy?
12:03 PM
Also, I don't think that he wants any debate in the comments section - they will be deleted or edited. I think the debating part will happen when he writes a response to all the emails. Definitely agree with the person who said he was brave in asking for emails - he would have HEAPS of readers.
1:48 PM
My thoughts are that you should follow the discussion at Real Live Preacher ;)
6:33 PM
Haha you wuss.
9:01 AM
You bet! Wuss or wise, one or the other, or a mix of both...
1:45 AM
rlp has posted the first of three, six minute videos. They are his response to the emails he received about Hell. It's basically just a summation of his first post.