Simon Jones is an English Baptist Minister who's contemplating a series on the book of Revelation. He asked for people's recommendations in terms of books on Revelation. That sparked me to think that I'd put up a bibliography of the major resources I've used in this series on Revelation. All of the books are books I own and the majority of the journal articles are available online if you google them. I didn't read every page of every book but these were the major sources I used. There are some notable omissions - Aune, Fiorenza and Collin's commentaries. Very simply, in weekly preaching there's only so much reading you can do!!

Bandy, Alan S. “Word and Witness: An Analysis of the Lawsuit Motif In Revelation based on the Witness Terminology.” Essay Presented at the Annual Meeting of the ETS 2005. Valley Forge, PA.

Barr, David L. Tales of the End: A Narrative Commentary on the Book of Revelation (California: Polebridge Press, 1998).

___________. ed. Reading the Book of Revelation: A Resource for Students (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2003).

___________. ed. The Reality of Apocalypse: Rhetoric and Politics in the Book of Revelation (Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2006).

Bauckham, Richard. The Theology of the Book of Revelation. New Testament Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.

Beale, G. K. The Book of Revelation: A Commentary on the Greek Text. The New International Greek Testament Commentary. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1999.

DeSilva, David A. An Introduction to the New Testament: Contexts, Methods and Ministry Formation. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2004.

______________. “A Sociorhetorical Interpretation of Revelation 14:6-13: A Call to Act Justly toward the Just and Judging God.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 9 (1999): 65-117.

______________. “The Social Setting of the Revelation to John: Conflicts Within, Fears Without.” Westminster Theological Journal 54 (1992): 273-302.

______________. “The Strategic Arousal of Emotions in the Apocalypse of John: A Rhetorical-Critical Investigation of the Seven Oracles to the Seven Churches.” New Testament Studies 54 (2008): 90-114.

Koester, Craig R. Revelation and the End of All Things. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2001.

Friesen, Steven J. Imperial Cults and the Apocalypse of John: Reading Revelation in the Ruins. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001.

_____________. “Satan's Throne, Imperial Cults and the Social Settings of Revelation.” Journal for the Study of the New Testament 27.3 (2005): 351-73.

______________. “Myth and Symbolic Resistance in Revelation 13.” Journal of Biblical Literature 123.2 (2004): 281-313.

Guy, Laurie. The Book of Revelation. Class Notes from MB 638/738. Carey Baptist College, 2004. (Laurie was my lecturer at college on Revelation. He has a book on Revelation awaiting publication in the Regent's Study Guides Series.)

Keener, Craig S. Revelation. The NIV Application Commentary. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000.

Maier, Harry O. Apocalypse Recalled: The Book of Revelation after Christendom. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002.

Neufeld, Dietmar. “Under the Cover of Clothing: Scripted Clothing Performances in the Apocalypse of John.” Biblical Theology Bulletin 35 (2005): 67-76.

Osborne, Grant R. Revelation. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2002.

Peterson, Eugene H. Reversed Thunder: The Revelation of John and the Praying Imagination. New York: HarperCollins, 1988.

Rossing, Barbara R. The Rapture Exposed: The Message of Hope in the Book of Revelation. Colorado: Westview Press, 2004.

_______________. “Prophecy, End-Times, and American Apocalypse: Reclaiming Hope for Our World.” Anglican Theological Review 89.4 (2007): 549-63.

Rowland, Christopher C. “The Book of Revelation.” Pages 501-743 in vol. XII of The New Interpreter’s Bible: A Commentary in Twelve Volumes. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1998.

Spilsbury, Paul. The Throne, The Lamb and The Dragon: A Reader’s Guide to the Book of Revelation. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2002.

Witherington III, Ben, Revelation. The New Cambridge Bible Commentary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003.

Some useful online websites:
Bernard Bell's Series on Revelation.
Craig Koester's Cities of Revelation.
Dr. Loren L. Johns website.
Mark Bilby's website.
Phillip Harland's website.


  1. Anonymous  

    A friend of mine mentioned 2012 last night to me and it's the first I heard about it so I jumped on here out of curiosity. I think it's kind of sick and sounds like a bunch of skeptical jargon.
    I choose to live every day like it is the last because let's be real, WHO THE HELL KNOWS what is going to happen or when it's your time to go on. The past is history, the future is a mystery and now is a gift, thats why it's called the present. It's not healthy to sit around and trip out about when you will die. Stop wasting your time you have now.
    ]mayan predicted
    [/url] - some truth about 2012

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