The 3 B's  

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I've heard many people comment that a lot of churches today only seem to be interested in 3 B's: Bricks, bums and bucks - bricks for flash buildings, bums on seats and bucks in the bank. On the weekend we agreed as a church that we would build a deck to flow out of an already existing hall that we use as it would enhance what God is doing in terms of our hospitaility to the community and to our own church community. I do worry that I might have fallen into the trap of the 3 B's but I'm (genuinely) confident I can justify this decision (can't we always justify our decisions?!).


  1. Stephen G  

    Also seen it called the "ABC" of a church's focus.

    A - attendance
    B - buildings
    C - cash

    Good question to ask. When is investing in a project like this contributing to the Kingdom of God, and when is it just our own empire building?

  2. Andrew  

    Hi Stephen. Yeah, I think you've given the right question to ask - who's kingdom are we building by doing this? We've asked the same question of ourselves throughout this and we've felt that our community ministries to young families has been an area that God has been growing. We run a music and movement group and a cafe for parents to come and have a coffee while we help look after their kids at our ex-kindy facilities (which are brilliant for kids). Both of these are really popular. This deck opens up the hall that the mums sit in to the outdoor play area and the kindy. So we justify it along those lines as well as hospitality and having the benefit of giving us a place to meet following church services (which we don't really have at the moment). No doubt there's mixed motives here but I hope on reflection in a few years we can say that we were trying to build God's kingdom.

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