Conrad Gempf's book Jesus Asked is now able to be accessed online for free here. I'm reading his Mealtime Habits of the Messiah. In his book he notes how we Westerners often enjoy pointing to the Pharisees as examples of people who Jesus didn’t like because they took the requirements of the Old Testament law too seriously. “We cherish the passages where Jesus tells them to loosen up. Why? Not because we are in the same situation as the Pharisees, so we need to hear what Jesus told them. We love it because “Lighten up” is already our motto.” Gempf points out that there is much that Jesus taught that is not easy or comforting. It’s difficult and offensive. We shouldn’t focus on the passages of the Bible that contain answers that resonate with us. “For instance, too many rich people name and claim promises like “God will provide”. Instead, maybe we should make little religious knick-knack vases wth dried flowers in them and “Woe to the rich” embossed in gold letters. Yes, Jesus loves us dearly, but we’re told he disciplines those he loves. Where are the t-shirts with the motto “Jesus had stern words for people like me”?”
It made me think what is a motto for a tee shirt that captures something of the radicalness of the gospel?