Young Adults  

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Stephen (a lecturer and recent PhD in Theology) over at Greenflame has joined the conversation on topics to help our young adults. He's posted some links to books and topics he thinks would be helpful. To keep the conversation going, do you have any suggestions...

My suggestion is to read one of the gospels, hear the words of Jesus and try, by his grace, to do what he says. I mean that simply but not simplistically. I reckon Mark's gospel would be good - short and punchy. For a resource I reckon Tom Wright's Mark for Everyone would be a good help. It will help you to know who is Jesus, what was his message, why did he die, what is his significance...


  1. Stephen G  

    If you were heading down the gospels path, then I'd recommend Jon Horne's "Spirituality of Jesus" as a good resource to splice in against others. Adapted it for a 'young adults' group and it worked well.

    More at

    I've also used the downloadable "Connect Bible Studies" (originally from Damaris, now Scripture Union). They're oriented around themes from popular culture and the everyday world. For example: iPods, TV Soaps, U2, The Simpsons, Climate Change.

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