Who downgraded God??
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Just an observation and question. When I was at Sunday School 35 - 40 years ago (my how time flies...) God had a capital letter (still does) and so did His works and His son. He always assumed capital proportions.
Now God and his works and his son have undergone a downgrade. In my blogs and assignments I still use Capital H - and feel hopelessly old-fashioned compared with the little h of almost everyone else.
When was he down-sized? Why?
5:59 PM
Hi Lauren,
This doesn't give a history, but it gives reasons why not to capitalise.
11:05 AM
Thanks, Alistair. That was really helpful. :)
10:47 PM
Hi Lauren,
Like you, I have observed the frequent omission of a capital "H". I often feel a little irritated by it, and this is rather unreasonable of me I guess, especially having read the interesting website/comments suggested by the last contributer!
One day I may mention to someone to PLEASE use capitals when printing out songs on our NBC overhead sheets.