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August is going to be a busy but exciting month at Napier Baptist. We have a host of visiting speakers coming to our church and the Hawkes Bay. Being quite geographically isolated, having speakers coming in for other regions is pretty exciting for us
Our first guest is Donna Dinsmore:
Donna will be with us on Saturday 18th August and Sunday 19th August. She will be leading a conversation on worship on Saturday morning and leading our worship at Napier Baptist on Sunday morning. Donna was the Music and Worship Co-ordinator at Regent's College Vancouver for 9 years. She currently works as the Music Director and Organist at St. David's United Church. She's in NZ for a short season and I have never met her (but heard heaps about her). Some of our music team met with her at a conference in Auckland. To cut a long story short, they fell in love with her and she agreed to come to Napier for a weekend. It is very exciting to have someone of Donna's experience, quality and wisdom coming to our church. All I have heard about her from our people who met her is how brilliant and amazing she is - so I can't wait to meet her and learn and grow through her.
Our second guest coming to Hawkes Bay (but not directly to Napier Baptist) is Murray Robertson:

Murray is the Senior Pastor at Spreydon Baptist Church in Christchurch. Murray's a brilliant pastor/leader and has been at Spreydon for around 40 years (seeing it grow from 50 odd people to about 1500). He's coming to lead a seminar on "The Missional Church" (sponsored by the Hawkes Bay Baptist churches) on Saturday 18th at Pirimai Baptist Church's Cafe (1:30-5pm). He will also preach at our combined Hawkes Bay Baptist worship service at Hastings Baptist on the Sunday evening at 7pm.

Make some space in your diaries and I'll see you there...