Jesus and Fluffies
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We had Donna Dinsmore with us last weekend. She is superb! What a gracious and amazing woman! So gifted by God and a huge gift to us on the weekend.
I'm going to share some of my favourite "Donna" quotes from the weekend as she lead us to reflect on God, Us and Worship.
Upon asking 'who is God?', Donna said "and give me the real answer, not the right answer. We don't live out of right answers." I love that quote, "we don't live out of right answers." Donna went on to say what would you say to your neighbour who's dying of cancer if they asked who is God?
Then in terms of worship and Christian life, Donna asked is our Jesus fully human as well as fully divine? Are we fully human with Jesus? She used an analogy for worship of going to have coffee with Jesus - "If you had coffee with Jesus do you think he would want you to be real with him? Or would he want you to sit across the table saying 'Jesus you're high and lifted up. I glorify you. I love you. You are great.'" Would Jesus take delight in having his ego stroked? Or would he prefer that we were real with him, sharing our joy and pain, troubles, fears and victories with him? Donna used the analogy of parents with their children. Taking your child for a fluffy, do you want your kid saying 'I love you mummy and daddy. You're so awesome. I love you so much.' Or do you do you want to see your children loving the fluffly, enjoying life, talking with you about the great things of life, sharing their worries and concerns, even sharing when they're angry at someone or even you their parent!' She used the quote from Irenaeus - "The glory of God is humanity fully alive" What does it mean to be fully alive? And what are the implications for worship?
4:50 PM
The one bad thing about doing Chidrens Church is that I miss all this awesome stuff!!
Glenis was saying how she realised Jono is going to really love fluffys.....meaning he would appreaciate the smaller things in life.
Its cool how people get different things out of sermons...or how they interprate things differently
8:46 AM
That is a great image for Jono - loving flufflies (the smaller things in life). Will be praying for him today as he's up in Auckland.
12:38 PM
this is a great quote. i going to bounce off it with a blogpost from our worship on Sunday nite,
steve taylor