Who ate all the chips?
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Don't you hate it when you open the fridge to make a sandwich for lunch and there's nothing to put on it. Our fridge that we got given from my parents is on the blink and we've spent the last 3 days defrosting it. So today when I go home for lunch and there's nothing in it! So, having had no breakfast, I was starving. I decided to bake some chips to eat - yum. After the hard work of cooking the chips, I was looking forward to devouring them. However, Miss 11 month Picard decided dad couldn't have them all to himself. So she came around scabbing as only an 11 month old can: Mr Picard had been given clear instructions from Mrs Picard Senior NOT to feed the baby... But who can deny such a cute kid, pointing to her mouth for food?


5:46 PM
Delightful! It would have been a hard and cruel heart that would have denied Mz Junior Picard's request.
2:44 PM
Haha!! Oh shes soooo cute!!
Pandy, you really are gonna have to buy a shotgun soon, with all the guys that will be chasing after your daughters! Or you can just send the guys round to me and i'll give them 2 tickets to my gun show!! (Meaning, ill show them my to big muscles/guns) Tehehe!
10:05 PM
Mr Picard, you should know better, just do what you're told. Mrs senior knows best. If you don't start standing up to your daughters now over chips it's not going to get any easier when the big stuff hits you.
10:39 AM
I'm torn between doing what I'm told or having a fridge for a heart;-) Ah Ress, the good old slipperly slope theory - give in on a chip today, tomorrow you'll be giving in on a boyfriend with a green mowhawk and a pierced nose!
11:26 AM
Lol, it's what's on the inside that counts Andy.