God stuff  

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So, theres been 2 things that have really spoken to me lately and i thought i'd share them with you.....................
As some of you will know i am soon starting my new job after 6months of 'hanging in there' at my old one, and I had felt kind of guilty for celebrating my new job and thanking God for it, cos lets be honest, i didnt exactly 'rejoice in all circumstances' when things werent great, so what right did i have in rejoicing when they were good? Well i was listening to The Lads song "Call my name" and in the middle Mark reads out Romans 8:38 about how nothing can separate us from Gods love that is in Christ Jesus, and it was like God was saying, 'Not even your lack of trust or not seeing my hand at work will separate you from me or the fact i still love you and you can still rejoice.' Its cool to know that literally nothing will separate us from God and his love.

Before youth group last week I was feeling a little burned out, and really wished i could stay at home, pretty much feeling sorry for myself, but of course i had to go anyway, and when we got to Thirsty Worship there was a song with the line that goes "Im taking up my cross, I'm laying down my life, all for the glory of your name...." and since im on this new 'Think about what im singing instead of just getting caught up in the atmosphere etc' buzz, i was thinking what that would actually look like, in real life, today, like what does that mean for me, and God was like 'Duh, you being here tonight when you dont feel like it, when you'd rather be somewhere else, when you feel like you're not having an impact, that's taking up your cross and laying down your life for me, right there. When you put me or something/one else infront of yourself thats what it looks like.' (Not meant to come across as self righteous as it did, sorry! Just meant to be an encouragement to people in the same situation)


  1. ~Josie~  

    Mhhmmmm good thoughts Clairey Beary.
    That first thought about nothing seperating us from Gods love, reminds me of an old song we sing at church.....Theres one verse that always gets me: "No power of hell, no scheme of man, will ever pluck me from His hand; till He returns and calls me home, here in the power of Christ I stand"

  2. Chris  

    And in case you didn't know (I didn't), you can view the Call My Name video on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIfcD2FEhDI

  3. Andrew  

    Hello Brother! Was it at that live in concert show you went to that Ben made that song up?

  4. Clairey  

    Sweet, Thanks for that Chris =)

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