Luke 10 vs 15  

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I was reminded of a verse the other day. I hope Andy P doesn’t mind me saying this, but his daughter, Olivia really opened my eyes to something.
On Sunday afternoons a group of people from church play netball at the Indoor sports centre, and I look after the kids while the parents play. Olivia and some of the other girls were playing this pretend game. I really don’t know what was going on – Micah and Kiana were Olivia’s dogs and they were in the audience at a show Livs was putting on. I think it may have actually been at church…..I really don’t know!
So, Anyway – In the middle of the indoor sports centre, Olivia started belting out one of the songs we sing at childrens church... “Jesus is the way –WAY! Jesus is the truth – TRUTH! Jesus is the life – LIFE!” She was doing the actions and everything for this ‘show’ she was putting on for her ‘dogs’.People were all around us – some of them were watching. Olivia’s little 6 year old mind didn’t care about who was watching. In fact, I doubt she really noticed anything going on around her. With a huge smile on her face, she continued to dance and sing, and her ‘dogs’ applauded her.

I sat there watching this, amazed. I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself, because something in me was embarrassed of Livs. I would never have the guts to sing that song with such gusto in a public place…And yet every Sunday I help teach that song to the kids.
I realised what Jesus meant in Luke 10 vs 15, when he said “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”


  1. Andrew  

    Mmm, good thoughts Josie.

  2. Andrew  

    LOL!! That's brilliant Jo and with a sting in its tail. It's times like that that Olivia reminds me of her mum (up the front shouting WAY! TRUTH! LIFE!) :) I love the application of Lk 10 - the awe, wonder and innocence of children. I might have to nick that illustration one day!

  3. ~Josie~  

    Haha...thanks guys
    Yea thats one of the many things I love about kids; their innocence and that good sort of ignorance that they have - I cant really explain it, but it always amazes me. Why is it that when we grow up, we seem to loose the ability to rejoicfully sing "Jesus is the way" in public?!

  4. Andrew  

    Speaking for myself - it's because spending the rest of my life in a white straight jacket, with my arms bound across my body, receiving daily injections in my arm and trapped inside a room with padded walls "for my safety" doesn't sound that nice! :)

  5. Andrew  

    I hardly think Josie means we should strive to sing "Jesus is the Way" out on the street. I don't even sing my favorite song, "Umbrella" in public!

  6. Andrew  

    Bro, don't stress, I was only joshing! I'm guessing Josie means how do we live "Jesus is the Way"?

  7. Anonymous  

    hahaha!! Thats funny that is! I'd love to see you sing "Umbrella" in public Bandy!! Josie, you amaze me every time you wirte something-your so good at could just write my life or something or a modern day Bible maybe...
    -Tessa- (i forgot my password so cant sign in!)

  8. ~Josie~  

    LOL!! Haha!! I guess i should clarify, before BAndy gets out there on the street and singing umbrella, whilst shaking what his Mama gave him!
    When I said: "Why is it that when we grow up, we seem to loose the ability to rejoicfully sing 'Jesus is the way' in public?!," I meant that we like almost become embarrased about being Christians.....Whereas Olivia was not embarrased at all to sing the song, "Jesus is the Way."
    Does that make more sense??!!!

  9. Andrew  

    I know Andy, I really just needed an opportunity to get that off my chest is all.

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