Baptism Service!
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Hey guys!
Now that I am "super christian girl" I have agreed to join the blog! Haha
It was a really awesome, encouraging and emotional service.
PAndy you did a great job - thanks heaps =)
Tessa got some really awesome photos... ....And there is more where that came from (Theres photos of everyone that got dunked, but I could only fit this many on) , just let me know if you want some.
I know the Beavens got some cool ones too =)
9:10 PM
Who's the handsome one at the bottom? He must be related.
9:07 AM
That was an awesome service - one of my highlights as a minister and a Christian! I loved all of it and it was a privilege to baptise you guys. Josie, I'd love to get my hands on some of the photos and put them up on the blog...
3:50 PM
Yea i could burn them onto a cd for you if you wanted....just let me know =)
4:19 PM
A CD would be fantastic 'super Christian girl'!
8:18 AM
It was a wonderful service and a great day.
Thanks PAndy and team.
1:54 PM
Hi Lauren, great to have you stop by. Yep, it was a wonderful service. What you shared was profound and deflected all the glory on to God. Awesome!
4:02 PM
I could drop it off in the church letterbox on the way to school tomorrow...? Or I'll just give ya a copy on Sunday.
Yea Lauren - what you shared was really cool =)
I'm still buzzing from how cool Sunday was!
4:05 PM
Dropped off in da church letterbox would be great cause then I can put them up on the blog and on Sunday morning... Do you have any from the Indian night? If yes, could I get my grubby mits on them as well?
5:19 PM
Hey Ya'll! Yeah service was wicked, but must admit that i didnt take those awesome fotos of Zac- it was all Rees- he's the fotography man! No, we dont have any of the indian night- so guttered. I reckon we should get in touch with Char- coz i saw her with a camera and she most probably has photos of it on there. Just a tought...
8:25 AM
I didn't expect the day to be so emotionally draining: I had to go home for a nanna nap afterwards!
I'm still buzzing.
5:37 PM
I'm totally still buzzing too....hope this feeling lasts!