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"Moments of savage joy are there for all of us to find. If you haven’t seen one lately, you only need to slow down a bit and keep your eyes open. I can give you no counsel beyond that. But if you come across a moment of wild, untamed joy, for God’s sake eat it; drink it; hear it; receive it. This is the stuff of life. It doesn’t get any better."
You've got to read this from Real Live Preacher. With 2 beautiful daughters, I know something of what he describes.
Hat Tip to Maggi Dawn
8:24 AM
What a beautiful sentiment - have added it to my list of quotes for book 3 :-)
12:52 PM
Yeah, he's a fantastic writer and I love reading his work. Did you read the longer article that the quote came from? If you didn't, it's worth reading. Have you had a snoop around Real Live Preacher's website? There's heaps of brillant articles. He writes for the Christian Century (see the links). My favourite is his own story called 'The Preacher's Story in 3 Parts'.
How's things going on book 3? I had heard rumours about a 3rd book but it's great to hear it confirmed from the author - you too are a fantastic writer.
12:07 PM
...on a slightly less 'uplifting' note, RLP's latest post is also quite thoughtful - Church Watching Pt1. The part that particularly caught my attention was Foy's Conversation with the Fountain - and the rather devastating thought that these sentiments might just as easily have been expressed by our minister/pastor. Unfortunately we seem to be part of a wider organisation that is quite willing to shoot our wounded yet seem happy to overlook Jesus's statement about folks knowing we are His disciples by our love for one another. Quite depressing really... we are fickle creatures - and very human.
4:14 PM
I have read through the site - including the article Ian mentions. I find the works beautifully written and sincere and full of hope and sadness for the church. Things, we hope, will get better. I feel we have to start walking the talk - showing the world God's love and Grace in action. Let's not be Christians who tell the world what we are against, but show everyone what we stand for. Rather than shutting down other faiths, let's live The Word and have others say 'I want what they're having'. I'm new to this - perhaps it's all been said a zillion times before. I have a freshness of Faith to believe we can do it. Who wants to start?
5:35 PM
Yea Im with you on that one Lauren - I want people to be able to see the love of God shining out of me...It sounds cheezy, I know, but to have someone say to you "Theres something different about you, what is it?" would be awesome...we really do need to walk the talk.
I think its awesome that you’ve written books, by the way...
Ever since I was little I’ve been writing books...I tried a few chapter books but they were never anything special so I didn’t finish them.
But now that I’m older, I’m trying to start a ‘Modern day Esther’ story for teenage girls, and if I ever finish that one I wanna do a modern day Mary (Jesus’ Mum) and a modern day Ruth as well...but I don’t know if and when I will ever finish, let alone start those books!
It’s just something I’m really into though.
What are your books about, Lauren?
9:51 PM
Hiya Josie, my books are about my wicked past life... They are called 'Bent Not Broken' and 'Life On The Line' - they are at the library if you want to read them. My website describes them -
Bits are X-rated I goota warn you. MY next ones will be more inspiring while a whole lot tamer