Having told you all about Thirsty Worship on Sunday morning I had to laugh at myself today! I had a CD playing in my car of songs we are doing this weekend. The song was called "I am not ashamed", with the chorus being "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Your name. I am not ashamed". As I pulled into a carpark, there was a person standing outside the car, and I found myself winding the window up as I turned the stereo down.

I've gotta ask..... how often do we sing things and later find ourselves totally contradicting them? Am i TRULY unashamed if I turn the song down as soon as I see someone who may not approve?

Thirsty Worship: this Saturday, Napier Baptist, 7.30pm.


  1. Andrew  

    Hey Kina, great to have you join. I laughed when I read this post! It's so true! I find it pretty awkward at parties or when I meet some of Olivia's friends parents and they ask the dreaded question - "so, what do you do for a job?"!

  2. ~Josie~  

    Yea aye - I'm with you on that one....At school they're all like "Oh Josie are you goin to any parties this weekend?" and I'm like "Umm, Im going to thirsty worship!"
    I'm embarrased to say that I sometimes tell my friends that I'm hanging out with mates instead of telling them I'll be at youth group (Although we do hang out at youth group, I know I should tell the WHOLE truth!)
    But then i look back and I dont understand why i cant just tell them that I'll be at church, when they already know I'm a christian...That "Not Ashamed" song always gets me at Thirsty, Kina....Cant wait till Saturday though! Its such an awesome event

  3. Clairey  

    Hey Yall, Thanks for your post Kina, totally agree - Alot of the time at things like Thirsty, Easter Camp, and even just worship at church on sunday morning, i have to stop singing some songs cos I stop and think do i really mean what im singing, a couple of examples: "In all i do, i honour you" (Do i really honour Him in ALL i do??!) "Jesus i believe in you and i would go to the ends of the earth, for you" (How often will we not even go to the other end of the room to talk to someone whos by themselves etc!) there are more, but you get the drift.

  4. Andrew  

    It's great and all talking about it but what change does it make to the way in which we worship? Evidently it doesn't mean we stop encouraging people to sing said songs. Should we? Should we stop encouraging people to sing songs in which they are blatantly lying to themselves? I mean at the end of the day, most of the people singing the songs are ashamed of the gospel, definitely don't honour God in all they do and probably wouldn't go to the ends of the earth for him!

  5. Andrew  

    I think instead of not singing, we desperately need some song writers to write some appropriate songs. It is one of my bug bears that so much modern Christian songs focus more on us and what we will do for God than focussing on God and what God has done for us! Compare Amazing Grace with so much modern choruses - there is such a different focus! "Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me" I'm not saying we need to sing hymns, we need some theologically appropriate worship songs that focus on God and not us!

  6. Andrew  

    I'm not saying that we should stop singing. I am suggesting that we stop singing songs where we are worshiping ourselves. If you look at those lyrics mentioned, they are always talking about what we do. How great we are. Something we saw at Easter Camp one year really hits home now.
    I won't put it up because it's getting a bit crowded. Even though it's really funny, the message speaks directly to what we talking about here (in a lesser scale obviously).

  7. Andrew  

    Preach it BAndy, preach it! The trouble is who's putting out these sort of songs? Christian song writers need , understandably, to produce songs that are popular and therefore sell well because their livlihood depends on sales. Therefore the number one concern is sales and not content! The songs that sell well on the Christian market are not the songs that tell us we are wretches but the songs that tell us how great we are and what we will do for God. I think, unfortunately the market drives Christian music as much as any other industry.

    By the way I can't access the video link...

  8. ~Josie~  

    Yea - Its sad but I think its true.
    This song comes to mind that plays on life fm alot, called "The Song of the Year"....
    Talks about how singers and song writers are all trying to write the song of the year, and get all the glory, when really the glory belongs to God. I mean, he gave us our talents in the first place so we should be using them to worship him, not to get noticed or made famous by them...easier said than done though

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