"With Christmas gone, get down to the real celebration with our Boxing Day & New Year Specials...!"I knew that Christmas had become very commercialized but I didn't realise it was this bad!
"With Christmas gone, get down to the real celebration with our Boxing Day & New Year Specials...!"I knew that Christmas had become very commercialized but I didn't realise it was this bad!
Wishing you all a merry Christmas. May you know the good news that God is with us, not just in the clean superstar Beckhamised world. But God is with us in the muck and mire of real human life, with saving grace.
How are your Advent preparations going? I've been making use of ReJesus daily prayer. I also normally make use of d365 but it keeps coming up "undefined"...? Goshen College also have some brilliant daily reflections that they e-mail to you for the season of Advent.
I thought I'd post some art that captures something of the Advent/Christmas season. The painting below is painted by Jean-Leon Gerome and is called "The Age of Augustus, the Birth of Christ". It's held in the Getty Museum and I love the way it contrasts the "Peace of Rome" with the "Peace of Christ". Getty writes this blurb about it:
At the apex of this theatrically arranged study, Augustus Caesar sits in front of the Temple of Janus and touches the shoulder of a man personifying Rome. Surrounding him are scholars and statesmen while foreign tribes gather below. The Nativity scene in the foreground illustrates the coincidental moment of world peace under Augustus when Christ was born. In 1852, Jean-Léon Gérôme received a state commission to paint a large mural of an allegorical subject of his choosing. In selecting this subject, Gérôme perhaps sought to flatter Emperor Napoleon III, whose government commissioned the painting and who was identified as a "new Augustus." In preparation for his large mural, Gérôme traveled all over to find the appropriate ethnic types to portray the different peoples of the ancient world. When The Age of Augustus, The Birth of Christ was shown in 1855 at the Universal Exposition, his skill in depicting various nationalities led some to remark that Gérôme gave a lesson whenever he painted a picture.
Okay, so the onther night at youth group, BAndy, Viv, Buzz and some other people were talking about free will and predestination. The same thing that they happened to be talking about, has been bugging me for months. When we finished the conversation, I was more confused than before! So, what better place to get some answers?!
My question is: God has given us all free will, right? We can choose to follow Him or not, what to wear each day, where we go etc. But, He has also mapped out our life for us. He knows what we are going to say and do before we even think about doing it. So, if God knows what we are going to choose, does free will really exsist?? I mean, how can we have to free choice to do something if God already knows what we are going to choose. Like, whats going on here, God??!!!
I decided to put it down to the fact that God has such a big understanding of things that we cant even imagine, so its not in our 'mind capacity' (or whatever!) to be able to understand it all. BAndy reckons I'm just trying to find a way to bail out of figuring out the answer!
So, what do ya'll think?? BAndy might be able to explain a little better what I mean....?!
I'm off to Baptist Assembly today and back Sunday afternoon. It's a good chance to catch up with mates and hear what God is doing in churches around the country. I was encouraged by some of the hints Rodney Macaan gave in his annual report after his first year as National Leader of the NZ Baptist Churches. Rodney's major question for churches is "what of our character/conscience?" Studies on the character of Christians today suggest there's little discernable difference between Christians and anyone else. Rodney suggests this is exemplified by the phenomenon of consumer church:
So, theres been 2 things that have really spoken to me lately and i thought i'd share them with you.....................
As some of you will know i am soon starting my new job after 6months of 'hanging in there' at my old one, and I had felt kind of guilty for celebrating my new job and thanking God for it, cos lets be honest, i didnt exactly 'rejoice in all circumstances' when things werent great, so what right did i have in rejoicing when they were good? Well i was listening to The Lads song "Call my name" and in the middle Mark reads out Romans 8:38 about how nothing can separate us from Gods love that is in Christ Jesus, and it was like God was saying, 'Not even your lack of trust or not seeing my hand at work will separate you from me or the fact i still love you and you can still rejoice.' Its cool to know that literally nothing will separate us from God and his love.
Before youth group last week I was feeling a little burned out, and really wished i could stay at home, pretty much feeling sorry for myself, but of course i had to go anyway, and when we got to Thirsty Worship there was a song with the line that goes "Im taking up my cross, I'm laying down my life, all for the glory of your name...." and since im on this new 'Think about what im singing instead of just getting caught up in the atmosphere etc' buzz, i was thinking what that would actually look like, in real life, today, like what does that mean for me, and God was like 'Duh, you being here tonight when you dont feel like it, when you'd rather be somewhere else, when you feel like you're not having an impact, that's taking up your cross and laying down your life for me, right there. When you put me or something/one else infront of yourself thats what it looks like.' (Not meant to come across as self righteous as it did, sorry! Just meant to be an encouragement to people in the same situation)
So at Young Adults the other night, Hannah and I were discussing the impact that cultural issues of the day have on the bible. Unfortunately, Dad overheard us and challenged me to lead a thing on it one study. Hannah said she would give me a hand, but after about 2 seconds, we realised that it was a enormous undertaking with a crazy amount of things we could go into. So what better place to ask for help than the Internet; the best source of truth in the universe*!
Anyone have any suggestions for specific things we could look at and talk about that won't take the rest of the term/a team of rocket scientists to get something out of? Maybe a book I (Hannah) could read to get some sweet tips?
I realise that this might be a topic we leave for later (or never) but still, even if it was just for personal reading or thinking, input would be appreciated.
* NOT!! (hat tip: Borat)
I was reminded of a verse the other day. I hope Andy P doesn’t mind me saying this, but his daughter, Olivia really opened my eyes to something.
On Sunday afternoons a group of people from church play netball at the Indoor sports centre, and I look after the kids while the parents play. Olivia and some of the other girls were playing this pretend game. I really don’t know what was going on – Micah and Kiana were Olivia’s dogs and they were in the audience at a show Livs was putting on. I think it may have actually been at church…..I really don’t know!
So, Anyway – In the middle of the indoor sports centre, Olivia started belting out one of the songs we sing at childrens church... “Jesus is the way –WAY! Jesus is the truth – TRUTH! Jesus is the life – LIFE!” She was doing the actions and everything for this ‘show’ she was putting on for her ‘dogs’.People were all around us – some of them were watching. Olivia’s little 6 year old mind didn’t care about who was watching. In fact, I doubt she really noticed anything going on around her. With a huge smile on her face, she continued to dance and sing, and her ‘dogs’ applauded her.
I sat there watching this, amazed. I was embarrassed and ashamed of myself, because something in me was embarrassed of Livs. I would never have the guts to sing that song with such gusto in a public place…And yet every Sunday I help teach that song to the kids.
I realised what Jesus meant in Luke 10 vs 15, when he said “Anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.”
There once was a man sent from God, and born a Palestinian Jew.
As Christians we bear His name.
He was full of G and T - Grace and Truth - exactly what the world needs now :-)
I have just completed a draft of a major chapter of my dissertation. This section is meant to be 6,000 words. Current word count: 9,500. Some major editing to do tonight!! Tomorrow, I'm hoping, to start on a new chapter where the aim for the word count is 6,000 more words!
I had the pleasure of spending the evening with a new friend last night :)
During the night, we got talking about our worth, and they way we place such important on the things that certain people in our lives say, particularly our husbands. For example, they could comment that we look good that day, and that could set us up for a great day, feeling really good about ourselves. In the same way, if they make a comment that is less positive (!) we could take it hard and it would set us up for a bad mood all day.
As we continued down this track, we realised the following: Yes, our husbands(/wives) are important, but should our value really come from them? If we truly have an understanding of who we are in Christ, and the value He has placed on our lives, should it really matter what others say about us?! Yes, they're always gonna be a big influence, but God should have the ultimate and final say, and He's alreay said that we're perfect!
Enjoy the rest of our week, knowing that God made you exactly as you should be, and that in His eyes you have immesurable value!
I heard this quote while at Capernwray last year and remebered it recently and thought i'd share it with you.....
'Don't let your thumb eclipse the sun' - Your thumb, in comparison to the sun is a relatively small object, but if you hold your thumb infront of your face while looking at the sun, and focus on your thumb, and not the sun behind it, your thumb seems huge and you can effectively block out the sun. This analogy is true for our lives, if we hold our problems, fears,doubts, etc infront and focus on them instead of the sun or 'Son' behind them, they seem imensely bigger than they are. However, if we keep these problems, fears,doubts etc in persepective, focussing on the Son instead, they seem to pale in comparison.
So remember, just like the sun is so much bigger than your thumb, the Son is so much bigger than whatever you are going through, just dont let your thumb eclipse the sun!!
Okay, so some of you may thing I'm completely insain for even having this thought in my head, but Its been bothering me for months and I need answers!!!
Who invented the High - 5 (Not the cheezy Australian little kids group, but the act of slapping hands together,) And where did it come from??!!
For the past couple of months, whenever someone gives another person a high5, I have just been thinking "Why on earth do we slap our hands together as a 'Congratulations' or 'Well done'?"
Like, pretend you were an outsider to this world, imagine how weird it would seem when you saw A Dad give his kid a high-5 because she got a 10/10 in her spelling test.....
Am i actually going insain or do other people understand what I'm saying??!! Dont leave me hanging here guys, help me out!! =)
I've been thinking about the whole worship thing Kina brought up quite a few blogs back, and my thoughts have come down to a question that i'd be keen to hear your answers on, cos i dont know the answer! If you are not going to worship in truth, like if you have ulterior motives, or are not meaning what you are singing/doing, is it better to not worship at all? Like what's worse - Worshipping untruthfully or not worshipping at all (which you are atleast being honest about) ???? Any thoughts?
Lauren e-mailed this to me - it's hilarious! BAndy warned me not to put too many u-tube videos on the blog. But this is too funny...
Frank has finished his two weeks of eating 1 bowl of rice a day. The reason and the best thing that came out of it was: "I feel like the best thing I gained from the experience was a bit of a rebuke about how I conduct myself with food when I support causes directly related to the ravages of poverty. It was also good having a direct two week focus of intercession in this area."
Have a read of his journey, I think it's very challenging.
"She was easily one of the most recognizable women in the world. She was seen as a living saint by many. And she was a particular inspiration to Catholics.
But a new book about Mother Teresa, Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, based on the many letters she wrote to her spiritual counselors and confessors over an almost 50-year period, show a spiritual life that was, as she described it, dry, dark and lonely.
Three months before she accepted her Nobel Peace Prize, she wrote to a spiritual confidant: "Jesus has a very special love for you ... [but] as for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great, that I look and do not see, — Listen and do not hear — the tongue moves [in prayer] but does not speak ... I want you to pray for me — that I let Him have [a] free hand.""
Here's an interview with Steve Tollestrup (Executive Director of Tearfund) about the "Peg" campaign (Hat tip Servant):
Why has an international development agency like TEAR Fund, launched a campaign about domestic child abuse?
For a start we are not out looking for more campaigns or issues. Right now we have so much to deal with in places like Dafur and the current monsoon floods in Asia. These are huge international issues we are dealing with. When we first heard of the Nia Glassie abuse case our immediate thought was to leave it alone and let other campaigners with a focus on New Zealand pick it up. But then it occurred to us, isn’t that just the problem? Isn’t it always left to others? We believe that justice is a seamless issue from Bangladesh to New Zealand, Calcutta to Wellington. Other International agencies like Save the Children and UNICEF have this view and we applaud them for it. Also one of our mandates is child rights and poverty, I believe through the Peg Campaign we are being congruent and aligned with that intention.
Can I also be clear, that this is not a TEAR Fund campaign. We’ve launched it and tried to give it legs, but hope this will catch on and become something of a public movement.
Why a peg?
Much of the abuse reported has happened in the home. Our homes should be safe places for our children. The peg is a clear symbol of the home and the need to ensure it is safe place for kids. It also is a clear reminder of the abuse Nia Glassie suffered. This campaign is not about Nia alone, but all the children who have faced abuse.
The peg makes the campaign simple to organise locally as well. You don’t have to go out and buy a peg, or be stopped on the street to purchase one. They are easy to get as well as attach to clothing. The idea isn’t original. I noted while watching TV news a young guy protesting in Rotorua covered in pegs. At first I was amused, then I saw what a powerful symbol it was.
How should the Peg be worn?
We are requesting that only one peg in an obviously visible place be worn- and with dignity: . Shirt, jacket, lapel, handbag strap, hat. We do not support children wearing the peg.
The Peg has had a negative response from some media, saying it is morbid and ineffectual, how do you respond?
It was never intended to be morbid or crass. In fact it never occurred to us that as a symbol it was. I am getting loads of email in support and very little negative feedback. But I will concede that looked at from one perspective, the peg is a troubling and disturbing symbol. But isn’t child abuse disturbing and shameful? Why hide this fact? I would argue that those who find it disturbing or shocking, are not so much offended by the peg, but the very reality of the abuse that it brings out into the open.
Also in New Zealand we have other disturbing symbols and campaigns Consider the Christian cross, as well as graphic ad campaigns to bring down the road toll or drink driving.
There has been a series of photographs circulating via email showing the injuries from child abuse on a dead child. Isn’t the peg sort of the same?
I was sent the photos and as soon as I saw them I shut down the email. They were ugly and disrespectful. Some images are just too damaging and almost paralyzing. It is for that reason, TEAR Fund doesn’t use exploitative images in fundraising campaigns. The peg never comes close to crossing that line.
Isn’t it an ineffectual campaign though, aren’t you just jumping on the bandwagon of the present hysteria?
There is no one simple solution to this problem of our appalling rate of child murder and abuse– the third highest in the developed world. There is a wonderful saying in India, that drop by drop a bucket is filled. The peg needs to be seen in this light, as part of a wider movement and outrage. I believe emphatically in the goodness and power of ordinary people to change things. What are we to do? Simply sit back and do nothing, simply trust the system? My observation is that people want to do something. This is a simple but powerful gesture. Also the peg carries a pledge to speak out. Our pledge, those of us wearing the peg, is to become more informed, and our web link points to resources for that. It also is a pledge to speak out and be advocates for the children in our sphere of influence. That is our responsibility – no one else’s.
If the bandwagon is about people in this country saying enough is enough then we are definitely on the bandwagon.
You mentioned that this was originally conceived as a specifically Christian campaign, what did that mean ?
Originally the idea was that the peg would be a symbol, worn by Christians as a sign of national repentance and recommitment to action on behalf of our nation. Jesus calls Christians to be salt and light in the world around us. The church and Christian community because of its pervasiveness is in a unique position to educate itself, speak out and intervene where and as appropriate. Christ said, “Let the Children come to me.” As his disciples we are all child advocates.
The campaign carries on until September 21st. Why that date?
The attitudes, values and pledge of the campaign don’t end September 21st but continue on. However the 21st marks the first day of spring and represents new beginnings and seems an apt time to remove the pegs.
What would you like to see happen?
I’d like to see everyone wearing the peg, getting this out into the open and discussing it publicly and resolving to be in some small way, contributing to and being part of the solution.
A while ago there was a big argument because a couple wanted to call their baby "4real," after seeing the ultrasound scan and realising the baby was actually for real. They were regected though, becase the registrar said a name had to be a sequence of charecters.
So, they have now decided to call their baby Superman, but refer to him as 4real.
What are peoples opinions on this?! I think its pretty awesome; like having a really different name. But i dont know how realistic these parents are being....?!
Your thoughts.....
Go check out Micah Challenge New Zealand and especially the Millenium Development Goals. In terms of things our young adults could get passionate about, I'd put these goals very high on the list...
Hat tip to Servant.
My mate Ali, over Kiwi and an Emu, has sent me an e-mail about my comments on Calvinism and evangelism. He hasn't been able to work the comments function on this blog (perhaps by God's grace for me - by this I mean that Ali would have exposed me!). Ali thinks I've been a little too sweeping and general in my comments. On reflection, he's right and I apologise and repent. One of the hazard of my vocation is that you tend to shoot your mouth off and then apologise later. As Ali pointed out to me in an e-mail, Calvinism doesn't lead to the end of evangelism and many Calvinists are leading the way in evangelism. So, if I gave the impression that Calvinists aren't into evangelism, then forgive me - that's not true (and not what I wanted to say). I stand by my comments that I find the 'mysterious will of God' in Calvinism (where some are locked into heaven and some are locked out of heaven by God's will) very problematic. Ali made a very perceptive comment in his e-mail - "I think you'll find that if a person follows the system of Calvinism alone, then evangelism may fall by the wayside. However, if, as in the case of all the people I've mentioned above, they base their beliefs on the Bible, they understand Calvinism as presented with everything else the Bible talks about, including the need to spread the good news." For some middle ground, I suggested that perhaps there's a distinction to make: Calvinism in service of the Scriptures and not the Scriptures in service of Calvinism?
I don't want to get into a prolonged discussion on the blog about the merits or the problems with Calvinism, I simply wanted to allow a (Calvinist) friend's voice to be heard:-) Ali, I hope you don't mind me putting this on the blog... I posted it because you said you wanted to post this but couldn't. If you want it removed, just e-mail me - here I am again, shouting my mouth off then apologising later :-)
Stephen (a lecturer and recent PhD in Theology) over at Greenflame has joined the conversation on topics to help our young adults. He's posted some links to books and topics he thinks would be helpful. To keep the conversation going, do you have any suggestions...
My suggestion is to read one of the gospels, hear the words of Jesus and try, by his grace, to do what he says. I mean that simply but not simplistically. I reckon Mark's gospel would be good - short and punchy. For a resource I reckon Tom Wright's Mark for Everyone would be a good help. It will help you to know who is Jesus, what was his message, why did he die, what is his significance...
Don't you hate it when you open the fridge to make a sandwich for lunch and there's nothing to put on it. Our fridge that we got given from my parents is on the blink and we've spent the last 3 days defrosting it. So today when I go home for lunch and there's nothing in it! So, having had no breakfast, I was starving. I decided to bake some chips to eat - yum. After the hard work of cooking the chips, I was looking forward to devouring them. However, Miss 11 month Picard decided dad couldn't have them all to himself. So she came around scabbing as only an 11 month old can: Mr Picard had been given clear instructions from Mrs Picard Senior NOT to feed the baby... But who can deny such a cute kid, pointing to her mouth for food?
August is going to be a busy but exciting month at Napier Baptist. We have a host of visiting speakers coming to our church and the Hawkes Bay. Being quite geographically isolated, having speakers coming in for other regions is pretty exciting for us
Our first guest is Donna Dinsmore:
We're starting a young adults group that meets once a fortnight. I thought it would be a good idea to have something where people can put up a few ideas for what we can discuss. Some I thought might be good are:
-Hell, literal or figurative?
-Is the bible inerrant?
-Maybe something along the lines of critiques of the Baptist church
Much appreciated if you could give feedback on those and also come up with your own ideas on what we could do.
Now here is some pretty powerful writing and mind-bending thinking with honesty, openness and questions of breathtaking proportions. The comments are worth a read too!
This is surely something to discuss or follow up at NapBap Young Adults?
Hat-tip to SmileyChris and RLP
Sorry bout the poor quality. This is what NBC gets up to on the weekend...
I get very scared when I see politics being baptised. For a frightening example of this go and read here. The problem with this is it is too much of a cartoon picture. It's so ridiculous and weird, it's funny. But, the reality is that politics is the driver for a lot of our theology (views about God). Who you vote for says a lot about your views of the Christian faith. I'm treading carefully here because it's easy to step on landmines on these issues. For some people, they can't believe Christians would vote Labour. For other people, they can't believe that Christians would vote National! Within our church we would have people right across the range: from people who vote for the Greens through to people who vote for the Destiny party. I have 2 questions:
1). How do we co-exist? (Jesus prays in John 17:11b - "Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name, the name you gave me, so that they may be one as we are one."
2). Faith and politics are always inter-related because voting is based on convictions just as faith is based on convictions. However, how can faith transcend politics? Could you change who you vote for because of the gospel (e.g. from National to Labour or vice versa)? Or does who you vote for determine your Christian faith?
The other day I was listening to the radio, when a regular played song came on. It has quite a catchy beat and I started singing along. Its basically just this guy singing about his girlfriend, and how great she is…. blah, blah, blah. (Aren’t most songs about that these days?!)
Anyway, one of the lines was “She’s always ringing my phone, she’s even got her very own ring tone. If that’s not love, then I don’t know what love is.”
As I was singing along, I couldn’t help but think how glad I was that my God, in whom I have given my life and intend to live my life for, knows a greater love than this guy. The guy that’s singing this song thinks that love is giving someone his or her own ring tone. My God’s kind of love is one in which, he loves me so much that he sent his only son to die for me. His love is so big, that he made a great plan for my life before I was born. He loves every single person in the world with this kind of love.
I am so grateful, that me and the Person that I would most likely sing a song about, that praises them, (just as this one does about the guys girlfriend)- we have such a greater love than giving each other their own ring tone. I feel sorry for whoever wrote that song, because they clearly dont know what real love is! Gods love is awesome!
(No offence to anyone who likes this song – It’s a great song, but yea)
I love Real Live Preacher. He is a profound and yet simple writer - unravelling the depths of life in a way that most of us can't - even though we experience them, we can't name them with the clarity he can... He's my favourite author at the moment. He's just written a couple of posts on Foy that in parts are very close to home for me (don't read too much into that, it goes with the territory). If you want to know a little about how easy it is to lose your identity in a church - go and check them out:
Part 1 is here.
Part 2 (my favourite so far) is here.
Following my post on Geekdom, Lauren reminded me not to be afraid of being a 'word nerd' (my new favourite title). BAndy then made connections between 'word nerds' and computer geeks. This clip is for all the computer geeks in the world. Looks like good news BAndy if you're studying I.T.: Shift Happens
Hat Tip: Prodigal Kiwis
Corey Otto, an Australian Indoor Cricket player, was the fastest bowler in the world of Indoor Cricket at the 2004 Indoor Cricket World Cup held in Wellington New Zealand. One News, NZ TV channel, sent a reporter to go and check out just how fast he is. The reporter was fairly cocky and gave Corey some lip. Then he tried to face up to Corey with a bat - bad idea:
I've been staying at the Summer St Manse of Ponsonby Baptist. It's a swanky sort of place, full of style and class. But the tension here has been electric - you could cut it with a knife. I innocently came expecting a nice time with friends but found myself embroiled in the turmoil now known as Gollygate! Accusations flying everywhere. Nick (the prosecution) says of Golly (the defendant) "On Thursday Golly (the dog, so named because he’s black) ate an entire apple cake that Julian baked." Go here to find out more... The fall out of Gollygate has been huge - Nick is refusing to even acknowledge Golly's presence! Now you'd think with a therapist and 2 pastors in the house that Nick and Golly could be shown the way to resolving their their differences. Shake hands, lick each other's faces, sniff each other's butts and get on with it. But no, the tension hovering over Summer St has been like a linguist listening to a George Bush speech! That was until Brian came over for a yoga session. I'd never met Brian but I over the night of yoga and eating pizza I came to love the man - what's not to love about a man who passionately helps you to understand more about Jacques Derrida? (even though he told me I looked 40). Things are different when Brian's in the room - life is good. Brian blew away the dark clouds of Gollygate that surrounded Summer St and now all things have been made new:
Thanks Brian!
I've been holed up in a little study corral at Carey Baptist College for the last week. There's books and journal articles everywhere. Now, I could pretend that this is all really oppressive and woe is me but the reality is I LOVE IT! I am a geek and I love reading books and doing study. I am in my element in this pokey study corral. I am a geek and I don't care. I love books and study.
I have books on my desk:I have another book bag I carry with me with more books in it:
And then there's the stash of books I have in the back of my car that won't fit in my book bag:
I am a geek and I love books!
By the way, if you happen to see Mrs Picard and little Miss 6 year old Picard be extra nice to them. Mr Picard's off fueling his geekiness in the library while they're at home with bad colds. Get better soon female Picards, and then I'll come home....
Hey ya'll, So, Ive finally added myself to this blog thing, but I SO dont understand how it all works- im so computerically challenged- let me tell you!! I'm hoping that now that Ive made this new post, that my name will appear on the list with all ya'll- here's hoping...
Anyways, hows ya'll doing??- Holidays!!!! fun fun fun- fun for everyone...oh, apart from those that arent on bad
"Moments of savage joy are there for all of us to find. If you haven’t seen one lately, you only need to slow down a bit and keep your eyes open. I can give you no counsel beyond that. But if you come across a moment of wild, untamed joy, for God’s sake eat it; drink it; hear it; receive it. This is the stuff of life. It doesn’t get any better."
You've got to read this from Real Live Preacher. With 2 beautiful daughters, I know something of what he describes.
Hat Tip to Maggi Dawn
Hey guys!
Now that I am "super christian girl" I have agreed to join the blog! Haha
It was a really awesome, encouraging and emotional service.
PAndy you did a great job - thanks heaps =)
Tessa got some really awesome photos... ....And there is more where that came from (Theres photos of everyone that got dunked, but I could only fit this many on) , just let me know if you want some.
I know the Beavens got some cool ones too =)